martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

summary #2: lift, carry and drop

Mass wasting is a downhill movement of earth material caused by gravity. If I am in the top of a hill and the hill start moving,that`s a mass wasting.Along mountaintops and hillsides,weathering is breaking down rock into sediment.Sediment is drop of, that is called deposition. Sediment can be fine bits of clay,or larger bits like sand or gravel.

A glacier is a hyge sheet of ice and snow that moves slowly. there are three major class of glaciers.The valley glaciers are form in high mountains valley,where is cold because of the elevation. Continental glaciers forms near the poles, where the latitude make the climate cold. Narrower glaciers dragged soil along.As the soil became trapped in the middle, like a stream of soil.A till is a jumble of many sizes of sediment deposited by a glacier and moraine is a deposit of many sizes of sediment in front of or along the sides of the glaciers

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